Psychological Services

COVID-19 Precautions

We at Ybarra Psychological Services take the well-being of our clients, claimants, and beneficiaries seriously. Accordingly, we are making the following CDC-recommended readiness steps, including:

•     On hand available preventative or personal protective equipment for staff.

•     Clients, claimants, or beneficiaries will be asked to bring and wear face coverings over their mouths and noses before entering the building.

•      Availability of hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes or procedures for provider, employee and client, claimants, or beneficiary use.

•       Appropriate facility cleaning.

•       We will use office space to allow appropriate physical distancing in reception and examination rooms. 

•       Sneeze guards will be used during psychological testing 

•       We are contacting individual clients, claimants, or beneficiaries the day prior to the scheduled CE appointment time to screen for signs of illness or exposure for COVID-19. We will not see or permit entry to our facility if one fails the screening processes. If the claimant or beneficiary fails screening, we will recommend that the client, claimant or beneficiary contact his or her primary care provider (PCP) for further guidance. We will contact your scheduling agency to have your appointment rescheduled after recovery.

•       Clients, claimants, or beneficiaries must remain in their vehicles or outside the facility until called for their scheduled appointment.

•       Clients, claimants or beneficiaries will be asked to leave the facility promptly following completion of their appointment.

•       No more than one person should accompany clients, claimants, or beneficiaries to the appointment. People who accompany clients, claimants, or beneficiaries to an appointment must wait in their vehicle or outside of the office rather than entering the office when possible.

•       We will not be shaking hands to limit unnecessary contact.

•       We will have supplies available for client, claimant, or beneficiary use during appointments (tissues, waste receptacles, alcohol-based hand sanitizer).

•       Staff will sanitize all testing items, equipment, pens, and pencils with disinfectant as appropriate between appointments or will discard difficult-to-sanitize items after one-time use.

•       We will provide visual alerts (signs, posters) at entrances and in strategic places providing instruction on hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, social distancing, and cough etiquette.